Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs675
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs Gold610
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs Nebula61
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs Neon Blue660
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs Neon Green649
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs Neon Orange65
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardIn The Zone Autographs Neon Pink625
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardSpectacular Swatches2899
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardSpectacular Swatches Gold2810
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardSpectacular Swatches Nebula281
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardSpectacular Swatches Neon Blue2849
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardSpectacular Swatches Neon Green2825
Boston CelticsGordon HaywardSpectacular Swatches Neon Orange285